Who Holds Your Ladder?

Written by Kimberly Hall

Photo by Katya Austin

Late last year, I was talking with a couple of my girlfriends when one of them shared an analogy she had heard in a Leadership class. She used the term “ladder holder,” which my other friend and I were not familiar with. We were intrigued and wanted to know more, so she explained by first asking, “Who holds your ladder?” I was a little confused by the question, so she continued: “If you’ve ever watched a painter paint a wall or a building, you’ll notice that someone is holding their ladder. This person who holds the ladder is there for support, to help the painter cover a larger surface area, and to eliminate the need for the painter to climb up and down the ladder. The painter can reach higher because they know that someone is holding their ladder.” 

We discussed this analogy more and talked about how this ladder holder was just as important as the painter. We suddenly had an “Aha!” moment—we were all thinking the same thing. We were ladder holders for each other! We supported and helped each other reach higher heights in our careers and businesses. 

On that day, we committed to be better ladder holders for each other. To us, being a better ladder holder meant:

·      Holding each other accountable

·      Offering consistent and dependable support 

·      Celebrating the accomplishments of each “painter,” big or small

We agreed that no matter how high any of us climbed, we would always hold each other’s ladder. I am so thankful for my ladder holders: they truly have made me feel safe and have helped me to cover a large area (that is, reach my goals and execute my strategies!). 

Everyone should have someone they trust to hold their ladder. Who holds your ladder?